patricia e. machado

UXR for Co-Created Futures!


I'm Patricia, a seasoned UX Researcher passionate about redefining how we interact with and consume content in the digital age. I specialize in strategic storytelling and data-driven insights to create immersive, intuitive experiences.

Let's pioneer the next chapter of digital experiences together!





Dive into a selection of my projects that blend UX research, storytelling, and innovation, spanning 2018 to 2022.

I've had to keep some of my freshest projects under wraps due to confidentiality, but I'm open to private viewings. Just contact me.


Research Areas


Creativity & Creators

Study and development of tools and methodologies that enhance creative processes and expressions, particularly within the realms of media, content, and product innovation.

This is some of my work exploring the nuances of human creativity, both through direct analysis and the facilitation of creative processes through technology.

Digital Storytelling

Investigating how narratives and media are consumed, produced, and interacted with, fostering audience engagement, diversity, and personalized content navigation and discovery within digital platforms.

Thisa rea reflect my interest in the evolution of narratives and their alignment with modern technologies and societal changes.

HCI and Tech

My research is driven by the belief that technology should enhance people's natural creativity and ability to work together. It should promote personal growth while fostering connected and diverse communities.

With a focus on the user's experience, I am committed to challenging prevailing paradigms to better suit the changing desires and needs of society, ultimately creating a more sincere and productive human-machine partnership.


Next-Gen Mobility: Research for Future In-Car Experiences

AVA Unity is not just another infotainment system; it's the future of autonomous driving experiences. This functional prototype was designed around human-centric principles, helping us grasp both client needs and emerging industry trends. Our research-driven approach marries cutting-edge hardware with digital wizardry, setting a new standard for car interiors—where passenger entertainment needs meet tech innovation.

Trend Analysis & Market Research
guided strategic focus. Experience Modeling & User Journeys developed comprehensive user profiles and pathways to inform design. International Demos at venues like CES, gathering actionable feedback from over 900 users.

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Breaking Innovation Barriers: UXR & Participatory Design for Software Labs

Faced with a transformative era in mobility, a centenarian automotive company sought to pivot toward new business avenues. Hindered by internal conflicts between traditionalists and innovators, progress was at a standstill. My role was to serve as a catalyst for change. Utilizing participatory design methods, we co-engineered a customer journey that not only eased internal tensions but also empowered product teams to actively experiment and innovate.

Contextual interviews and surveys
to identify pain points and areas for improvement. Participatory design and co-creation techniques to foster internal alignment and drive innovation. Concept testing and competitive analysis to guide feature prioritization


Shaping Strategy: How UX Research Revolutionized Social Media Video for Young Adults

In an increasingly competitive digital realm, gaining a foothold among 18-24-year-olds is no small feat. My role was to decode the UX intricacies of video experiences that resonate with this elusive audience. Collaborating closely with data science and design teams, we synthesized our insights to develop a cohesive, data-informed strategy

UX Scorecard,
guided strategy by assessing new feature impact and competitive edge. Diary Study complemented quant data, focusing on user engagement with new features. Follow-Up Interviews added qualitative depth by exploring specific user behaviors and needs.


Research Skills

Relevant skills and methodologies
in my research practice.


Contextual Interviews and

Participatory Design

In a world increasingly driven by algorithms, I use contextual interviews to bring the human factor back into the equation. From content preferences to user engagement, I dig deep to understand the real people behind the screen time.

Coupled with participatory design, this approach ensures that users become co-creators, not just consumers. This is especially vital in an environment where understanding the context of media consumption is as important as the content itself

Concept Testing,

Trends & Market Research

In a content-saturated landscape, standing out is the name of the game. Through concept testing, I help ensure that the ideas we're developing resonate with audiences before they hit the market. I validate creative directions and unearth valuable insights.

By keeping a finger on the pulse of industry trends, I identify windows of opportunity that align with both consumer desires and business goals. This skill set is critical for forward-thinking strategies to understanding what's next.


Storytelling & Narrative Design

In the media industry, a story well-told is a product well-sold. I use narrative design techniques to make research findings not just digestible, but compelling. This isn't about sugar-coating; it's about highlighting the human narratives that make the data meaningful.

Whether it's through a research report, a video reel from diary studies, or a stakeholders' workshop, I believe in the power of storytelling to illuminate the 'why' behind the 'what,' providing a robust context for decision-making.


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